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Solid Ground


What does it mean to see a cloud that one perceives through the shades of tree summits at dawn? There are forms and colors that manifest by their difference. It is a sight noticed while walking – or maybe not. It is the ephemeral, intangible that is of interest to me. An image of it, and everything that is important starts to happen in your inner self. A permanent present that only experiences past and future through the beholder.

What is important to me is a certain intensity in the images. The undone, the fractures that become feasible in the traveled countries add the necessary energy to one’s own feeling of alienation and abandonment. The work is not characterized by a specific concept but by the atmospheric, the event and the spontaneity. It is subjectivity that leads from the external of things to the internal of the image.

I cannot explain the world – not even Eastern Europe that I traveled from Tallin to Ljubljana. I have seen things and took images with me. I have emptied my pockets.


Göran Gnaudschun
September, 2006